Regulated Agent (RegB)
A 'Regulated Agent' is a company responsible for ensuring the security controls for cargo and mail. Before cargo and mail shipments are loaded onto an aircraft, they must be inspected by a 'Regulated Agent,' unless the shipment has been received from another 'Regulated Agent,' or a 'Known Consignor,' and all necessary security measures have been demonstrably applied and documented by all upstream parties. 'Regulated Agents' can be airlines, agencies, freight forwarders, or other entities responsible for delivering goods via airports. Warehousing companies that store goods and independently select them for air cargo shipment are also considered Regulated Agents.
The status of 'Regulated Agent' is granted by the Federal Aviation Authority (Luftfahrtbundesamt) after the successful approval of the respective business location. The approval is specific to the business location applied for and is valid for 5 years.
Why become a Regulated Agent?
Goods and products handled by an approved Regulated Agent (RegB) can be transported in both passenger and cargo-only aircraft without additional screening, provided the secure supply chain is maintained. This ensures that you can ship your goods quickly and cost-effectively. Goods and products processed by non-approved companies must undergo a full inspection before being loaded onto an aircraft. These inspections are often time-consuming and require significant technical effort, resulting in additional costs. If you are transporting time-sensitive deliveries (such as food) or goods that could be damaged or rendered unusable during inspection (such as sterile packaging), obtaining the status of a Regulated Agent is essential.
The following training is required for Regulated Agents:
Training for security managers (in accordance with Chapter 11.2.5 of Regulation (EU) 2015/1998)
Training of persons with unsupervised access to identifiable air cargo and mail to which the required security controls have been applied and persons implementing security controls for air cargo and mail other than screening (in accordance with Chapter of Regulation (EU) 2015/1998)
Our trainers, approved by the Federal Aviation Authority (Luftfahrtbundesamt), will train your security managers and employees in line with the approval requirements and EU regulations.

If you have decided to apply for approval as a 'Regulated Agent' through the Federal Aviation Authority (Luftfahrt-Bundesamt), we will guide you through the approval process from the application stage to certification with our expertise. We support you not only in developing the security programme required for approval and implementing the necessary measures but also conduct a pre-audit to review the implemented measures and identify any potential weaknesses at your business location.
Even after obtaining approval as a 'Regulated Agent,' we remain at your side, for example, in conducting the legally required annual audits. We also keep you regularly informed about legal updates and adjust your security programme as necessary. Our trainers, approved by the Federal Aviation Authority, will train your security managers and employees in accordance with EU regulations and approval requirements.
Our offers
We will provide you with individual support based on your needs! If you are seeking admission to the RegB but still need more information, you are welcome to arrange a consultation appointment with us.